Designing and managing Capacity, Resilience and Efficiency
Designing and managing Capacity, Resilience and Efficiency

TCL Data is a division of Tuckers Consultancy Ltd, who have provided design and other professional advice to the property and construction sector for over 20 years.

Principal - Barry Shambrook

Starting in the HVAC industry in 1974 Barry has been a director of and shareholder ofTuckers Consultancy since 2000. Barry now leads the TCL Data division.

Involvement in IT infrastructure in general and data centres in particular goes back well over 20 years to water cooled IBM main frames and international BT telecommunication nodes.

Barry is also engaged by DC-Professional as a Master Instructor to develop and run their international training courses on data centre design and management.

TCL Data

Data Centre and ITS



TCL Data Limited

Registered in England number 8591527


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